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    Do You Protect Yourself?

    If you see me wearing a mask in public (I still do, and will continue to do so until there’s some kind of breakthrough with this covid crap – a sterilizing vaccine that prevents infection), figured worth mentioning why. I hear people trying to say it’s over (sadly, no, we’ve stopped talking about it, but…

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    Do Public Services Cost Us?

    Not Helping People Who Struggle Costs More Than Helping Them. I talk about this kind of thing a lot, and I like to bring up things like Public Health, Public Education, Social Services, Employment Insurance, Addiction Services, Public Health Care. As I mentioned, these things don’t cost money – or rather, they pay for themselves.…

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    Journalistic Integrity

    Do we all know how journalism is supposed to work? Maybe a primer for those who follow mass media. Many reasons for this, but #1, you’ve done the work – you have more than one source, and those sources are, as far as you know, solid. However, sometimes things slip through the cracks, and something…

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    Is Education Indoctrination?

    Does post secondary education indoctrinate kids, turn them into liberals? No. well, sometimes, but no. sometimes a bad school will tell you what you should think, but proper educational institutions don’t do that. They’ll provide information, and give you the tools to understand what that information means, and what it doesn’t mean. post secondary teaches…

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  • I used to vote Conservative

    When I was a kid, I leaned Reform, I voted for conservatives – There were many reasons, the primary being they talked financial responsibility, and making sure we leave a better world for our children. That made sense to me – we should 100% want fiscal responsibility, and to leave the world a better place.…

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    Is SARS-CoV2-2019 Mild?

    There is 0 evidence that Covid-19 is mild. Short term, ignoring it does boost the economy. Long term, it will destroy the economy. Anyone pushing to ignore it is looking to cash out quickly at the price of harming people. Note that mild symptoms ≠ mild infection Covid 19 is a vascular infection – when…

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    Does Lost Time Cost Money?

    Listened to a CBC bit evaluating lost time due to increased illness, and how it affects the economy. I’m going to go out on a limb, and say while the piece does make some good points, they have an expert spewing malarkey as well. The story: https://www.cbc.ca/listen/live-radio/1-379-cost-of-living/clip/15961451-canadians-taking-sick-days-comes-cost When you say the average person is missing…

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  • Conservatism is dead in Canada

    Strangest truth of our times. Conservatives don’t have a political party, Progressives don’t have a political party. We have a centrist party, a hard right fascist party, and a fake progressive party that acts like the hard right fascist party, spreading misinformation. CPC = Reform = Christofascists = Canadian TalibanNDP = ??? = used to…

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